Our vision
Grow the best plants, providing our communities access to high quality, consistent and
safe products, while protecting the environment for future generations.
Our Misson
Providing our customers with premium leafy greens products with superior flavor, taste
and texture, all year long.
How we farm
We focus on a method called Hydroponic farming, which is the method of cultivating
plants in water without using soil in a controlled greenhouse environment. Lotus farms
uses “Nutrient Film hydroponic technique” which involves plants being grown in growing
tubes that are slightly angled and positioned above a reservoir filled with the water-
nutrient mix. This allows a thin stream of water to flow across plant roots, allowing
the plants to have sufficient water, nutrients and aeration, and then drained back into
the reservoir. This method is highly efficient and uses 95% less water than traditional
farming methods.
Bringing Agriculture to new horizons in Egypt and beyond.